Girl in a white dress, 30x39cm, acryl on paper, 2024

 Bob Marley, 120X100cm,

acryl on canvas, 2021

  Jimmy Hendrix

90X90cm, acryl on canvas, 2019

 Love doesn't rust,

acrylic on metal, 2006-2016

 The cool dude - Travis Fimmel, 50 x 50cm, acrylic on paper, 2015

 Warlock, 40 x 50cm, acrylic on canvas, 2015

 Mythical nature,

100 x 70cm, acryl on canvas, 2015

 Portrait of a boy, 30 x 40cm, acrylic on canvas, 2015

 Two little brothers, 60 x 40cm, acrylic on canvas, 2015

 Portrait of a boy, A3, acrylic on paper, 2014